Software Testing is the process used to measure the quality of developed computer software. Usually, quality is constrained to such topics as correctness, completeness, security, but can also include more technical requirements as described under the ISO standard ISO 9126, such as capability, reliability, efficiency, portability, maintainability, compatibility, and usability. Testing is a process of technical investigation, performed on behalf of stakeholders, that is intended to reveal quality-related information about the product with respect to the context in which it is intended to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding errors. Quality is not an absolute; it is value to some person. With that in mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness of arbitrary computer software; testing furnishes a criticism or comparison that compares the state and behavior of the product against a specification. An important point is that software testing should be distinguished from the separate discipline of Software Quality Assurance (SQA), which encompasses all business process areas, not just testing.
There are many approaches to software testing, but effective testing of complex products is essentially a process of investigation, not merely a matter of creating and following routine procedure. One definition of testing is "the process of questioning a product in order to evaluate it", where the "questions" are operations the tester attempts to execute with the product, and the product answers with its behavior in reaction to the probing of the tester. Although most of the intellectual processes of testing are nearly identical to that of review or inspection, the word testing is also used to connote the dynamic analysis of the product—putting the product through its paces. Sometimes one therefore refers to reviews, walkthroughs or inspections as "static testing", whereas actually running the program with a given set of test cases in a given development stage is often referred to as "Dynamic Testing", to emphasize the fact that formal review processes form part of the overall testing scope.
Software Testing Fundamentals
Testing objectives include:
1. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.
2. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error.
3. A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.
Testing should systematically uncover different classes of errors in a minimum amount of time and with a minimum amount of effort. A secondary benefit of testing is that it demonstrates that the software appears to be working as stated in the specifications. The data collected through testing can also provide an indication of the software's reliability and quality. But, testing cannot show the absence of defect -- it can only show that software defects are present.
Testing Start Process
When Testing should start:
Testing early in the life cycle reduces the errors. Test deliverables are associated with every phase of development. The goal of Software Tester is to find bugs, find them as early as possible, and make them sure they are fixed.
The number one cause of Software bugs is the Specification. There are several reasons specifications are the largest bug producer.
In many instances a Spec simply isn’t written. Other reasons may be that the spec isn’t thorough enough, its constantly changing, or it’s not communicated well to the entire team. Planning software is vitally important. If it’s not done correctly bugs will be created.
The next largest source of bugs is the Design, That’s where the programmers lay the plan for their Software. Compare it to an architect creating the blue print for the building, Bugs occur here for the same reason they occur in the specification. It’s rushed, changed, or not well communicated.
Coding errors may be more familiar to you if you are a programmer. Typically these can be traced to the Software complexity, poor documentation, schedule pressure or just plain dump mistakes. It’s important to note that many bugs that appear on the surface to be programming errors can really be traced to specification. It’s quite common to hear a programmer say, “ oh, so that’s what its supposed to do. If someone had told me that I wouldn’t have written the code that way.”
The other category is the catch-all for what is left. Some bugs can blamed for false positives, conditions that were thought to be bugs but really weren’t. There may be duplicate bugs, multiple ones that resulted from the square root cause. Some bugs can be traced to Testing errors.
Costs: The costs re logarithmic- that is, they increase tenfold as time increases. A bug found and fixed during the early stages when the specification is being written might cost next to nothing, or 10 cents in our example. The same bug, if not found until the software is coded and tested, might cost $1 to $10. If a customer finds it, the cost would easily top $100.
Testing Stop Process
When to Stop Testing:
This can be difficult to determine. Many modern software applications are so complex, and run in such as interdependent environment, that complete testing can never be done. "When to stop testing" is one of the most difficult questions to a test engineer. Common factors in deciding when to stop are:
• Deadlines (release deadlines, testing deadlines.)
• Test cases completed with certain percentages passed
• Test budget depleted
• Coverage of code/functionality/requirements reaches a specified point
• The rate at which Bugs can be found is too small
• Beta or Alpha Testing period ends
• The risk in the project is under acceptable limit.
Practically, we feel that the decision of stopping testing is based on the level of the risk acceptable to the management. As testing is a never ending process we can never assume that 100 % testing has been done, we can only minimize the risk of shipping the product to client with X testing done. The risk can be measured by Risk analysis but for small duration / low budget / low resources project, risk can be deduced by simply: -
• Measuring Test Coverage.
• Number of test cycles.
• Number of high priority bugs.
Test Strategy:
How we plan to cover the product so as to develop an adequate assessment of quality?
A good test strategy is:
• Specific
• Practical
• Justified
The purpose of a test strategy is to clarify the major tasks and challenges of the test project.
Test Approach and Test Architecture are other terms commonly used to describe what I’m calling test strategy.
Example of a poorly stated (and probably poorly conceived) test strategy:
"We will use black box testing, cause-effect graphing, boundary testing, and white box testing to test this product against its specification."
Test Strategy: Type of Project, Type of Software, when Testing will occur, Critical Success factors, Tradeoffs
Test Plan - Why
• Identify Risks and Assumptions up front to reduce surprises later.
• Communicate objectives to all team members.
• Foundation for Test Spec, Test Cases, and ultimately the Bugs we find.
Failing to plan = planning to fail.
Test Plan - What
• Derived from Test Approach, Requirements, Project Plan, Functional Spec., and Design Spec.
• Details out project-specific Test Approach.
• Lists general (high level) Test Case areas.
• Include testing Risk Assessment.
• Include preliminary Test Schedule
• Lists Resource requirements.
Test Plan
The test strategy identifies multiple test levels, which are going to be performed for the project. Activities at each level must be planned well in advance and it has to be formally documented. Based on the individual plans only, the individual test levels are carried out.
Entry means the entry point to that phase. For example, for unit testing, the coding must be complete and then only one can start unit testing. Task is the activity that is performed. Validation is the way in which the progress and correctness and compliance are verified for that phase. Exit tells the completion criteria of that phase, after the validation is done. For example, the exit criterion for unit testing is all unit test cases must pass.
Unit Test Plan {UTP}
The unit test plan is the overall plan to carry out the unit test activities. The lead tester prepares it and it will be distributed to the individual testers, which contains the following sections.
What is to be tested?
The unit test plan must clearly specify the scope of unit testing. In this, normally the basic input/output of the units along with their basic functionality will be tested. In this case mostly the input units will be tested for the format, alignment, accuracy and the totals. The UTP will clearly give the rules of what data types are present in the system, their format and their boundary conditions. This list may not be exhaustive; but it is better to have a complete list of these details.
Sequence of Testing
The sequences of test activities that are to be carried out in this phase are to be listed in this section. This includes, whether to execute positive test cases first or negative test cases first, to execute test cases based on the priority, to execute test cases based on test groups etc. Positive test cases prove that the system performs what is supposed to do; negative test cases prove that the system does not perform what is not supposed to do. Testing the screens, files, database etc., are to be given in proper sequence.
Basic Functionality of Units
How the independent functionalities of the units are tested which excludes any communication between the unit and other units. The interface part is out of scope of this test level. Apart from the above sections, the following sections are addressed, very specific to unit testing.
• Unit Testing Tools
• Priority of Program units
• Naming convention for test cases
• Status reporting mechanism
• Regression test approach
• ETVX criteria
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Software Testing
Posted by
10:45 PM
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1 comment:
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